Jarvis LLM
Engineered a robust data processing system that aggregates and cleans diverse textual datasets, laying the foundation for effective GPT2-medium fine-tuning.
Implemented a dynamic training loop using PyTorch and Hugging Face Transformers, optimizing sequence management and leveraging GPU acceleration for efficient model refinement.
Developed an interactive text generation module with temperature-controlled sampling and custom formatting, delivering coherent, human-like output.
Enhanced overall model performance through adaptive learning strategies and meticulous preprocessing, ensuring scalable and responsive language generation.
Spotify API Based Multiplayer Web Game
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Engineered a real-time multiplayer game leveraging Spotify’s API, retrieving track and playlist metadata, optimizing for low latency and high concurrency.
Implemented a robust, WebSocket-based communication protocol to synchronize game state in real time across multiple concurrent users, ensuring seamless and reliable multiplayer interactions.
Developed a responsive, mobile-friendly front end using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, employing adaptive design patterns to guarantee cross-platform compatibility and optimal performance.
KSP KerboScript Boostback Landing
Engineered a comprehensive Kerboscript-based autopilot system for Kerbal Space Program that automates flight phases from ascent to landing.
Designed an ascent algorithm that dynamically adjusts throttle and pitch based on real-time telemetry, calculating stopping distances and ensuring precise target apoapsis achievement.
Implemented a boost-back burn routine that leverages computed impact positions and trajectory data to synchronize thrust and steering commands for an accurate return-to-launch-site maneuver.
Developed an entry burn sequence paired with an aerodynamic guidance system, employing real-time pitch and yaw error corrections to align the vehicle with predetermined landing coordinates during atmospheric re-entry.
Engineered a suicide burn landing procedure that computes stopping distances on-the-fly, modulating throttle to ensure a controlled landing.
Autopilot Software
Engineered an advanced raycasting framework to continuously detect obstacles, track lane positions, and map intersections, ensuring the vehicle adapts to its surroundings in real time.
Designed a robust lane-following algorithm employing a PID controller that computes and adjusts steering corrections based on real-time telemetry, enabling smooth and responsive navigation.
Implemented intelligent decision-making routines for intersection navigation, complete with turn signal management and adaptive braking to ensure seamless transitions between maneuvers.
Optimized for low-latency multiplayer interactions, the system smoothly toggles between manual and automated control, providing both realistic driving simulation and intuitive user override capabilities.